Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci was a famous painter and Architecture.He was born born April 15, 1452 in Tuscan hill , Florence.He was the best known artist the creator of such masterpieces Mona Lisa, Madonna of the Rocks, and The Last Supper.Which some know about if you study the bible or go to church.Plus , he had a Scienticfic and technical observations with inventions he made.

The most famous inventions Da Vinci made was the Onithopter he did that to relate to a bird or a plane but instead he did it with just paper. He was very interested in these type of things because he enjoyed making his own electronic devises in his own way.Plus

he liked nature and adored how birds fly.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Living with the Aztecs

 Well Hello , my name is Travis and i live with my mom and dad here in Mesoamerica and we do a lot of things here and i'm here to tell you some of those things.

   To start off i'm going to talk to you about crops , we grow corn thats famous because it can be used for a lot of things and recently we found out that it can be a treat *popcorn*. Also we found out that you can turn sap hard and you can chew on it which is now *gum*.

 Next , i will like to tell you about the human sacrifices , there for slaves who disobey the people that are in a higher class then them . My dad is an Priests so hes one of the people to rip the hearts of the people who dis obey , they do that to give blood to the sun god.

  Lastly , we have an writing system and to do this we use bark and animal skin . And the writing records are called codex .

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

City Design

The Aztecs fell because their city format wasn't protected enough to keep invaders from coming in . Some light skinned people came into the city and the Aztecs thought they were Gods because they never saw people as light as the Spanish were .Once the Aztecs realized that they weren't Gods they attacked the Spanish , then later the Spanish found out that the Aztecs attacked so they came and killed 6,000 Aztecs. 

Yes , i think there is some changes that Los Angeles city design should change because for example the streets have to many pot holes and are destroying many people cars.Plus they need to have the borders more controlled like the airport .

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Opinion on Aztec Prison Labors

The Aztec used their prisoners because they needed to sacrifice their for the Gods . So to do that they had to get on the temple and have them cut their hearts out since that was really precious .Plus it would keep the Gods alive and make them happy so the sun can go up and down .

My opinion on this sacrifice is that is if your commitment is that strong for your Gods then do it but if you just tired of being treated then die .

Friday, March 11, 2011


Well in Medieval Japan i learned about the social structure.And how the army really honored their Daimyo and if they didn't then your suppose to kill yourself.Plus the Shogun had to have the fancy house so everyone can come to and learn and do other activities.Lastly the types of foods they eat .